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Traeng Trayueng, Phnum Sruoch, Kampong Speu: 05461

Traeng Trayueng is located in Kampong Speu, Phnum Sruoch. Its zip code is 05461 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Traeng Trayueng? Here's the list of sub-regions in Traeng Trayueng.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Traeng Trayueng Aya 05461
Traeng Trayueng Chamkarchek 05461
Traeng Trayueng Chankiri 05461
Traeng Trayueng Dambokxpos 05461
Traeng Trayueng Deampdek 05461
Traeng Trayueng Kongmeas 05461
Traeng Trayueng Kroltonchong 05461
Traeng Trayueng Obot 05461
Traeng Trayueng Okontrom 05461
Traeng Trayueng Prahxear 05461
Traeng Trayueng Pring 05461
Traeng Trayueng Samaki 05461
Traeng Trayueng Sbekprel 05461
Traeng Trayueng Teakchegn 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti bei 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti Buon 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti Muoy 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti Pir 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti Pram 05461
Traeng Trayueng Ti Prammuoy 05461
Envelope Example
Cambodia Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: khm.pdf . (English)

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