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Kiri Voan, Phnum Sruoch, Kampong Speu: 05454

Kiri Voan is located in Kampong Speu, Phnum Sruoch. Its zip code is 05454 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Kiri Voan? Here's the list of sub-regions in Kiri Voan.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Kiri Voan Krang Chres 05454
Kiri Voan Krang Khvav 05454
Kiri Voan Krang Ponley 05454
Kiri Voan Krang Prasrok 05454
Kiri Voan Krang Serei 05454
Kiri Voan Krang Sya 05454
Kiri Voan Phsar Trapeang Kraloeng 05454
Kiri Voan Trapeang At Tuek 05454
Kiri Voan Trapeang Kraloeng 05454
Envelope Example
Cambodia Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: khm.pdf . (English)

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